Category Archives: Uncategorized

One very special comment

We received the ‘Headlines’ magazine on Wednesday which is an industry magazine for NZARH Member Salons. It is ‘The Champions Issue’ with all the winners from NZARH Prizegiving night (October 14). My image had a page all to itself. Have a read of what Patrick Cameron said… what an amazing accolade.  (p.s sorry about the quality, just a […]

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Patrick Cameron Photographic Challenge

I wanted to say again how stoked I am to be the 2012 winner of the ‘Patrick Cameron Photographic Challenge’. This is one of the most prestigious long hair competitions in the country. With over 200 entries this year. We had to submit 3 photos showing front,side and back view of the style, without any […]

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New Look!

Hi Everyone, how do you like the new look? I decided it was about time I updated the website, so I have gone for a clean, fresh approach with lots of yummy images everywhere to show off the things that I do… Now that it’s easier for me to update, I will be blogging about […]

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