Our gorgeous photographer is in front of the camera instead of behind it!!

A group of us have been trying to do this shoot for a while now and it finally came together last month.

We wanted to use Alley as our model.

She is normally behind the camera doing the business as ‘Alice Photography’.

We just loved getting her ready and playing around with different things that we’d all seen and wanted to try, so we did.

Jenna Young behind the camera www.jennayoung.co.nz  always great fun.

Susi Liddingtion found the perfect location up north on a private beach, www.susiliddington.com for bookings.

Cara Mcclellend did beautiful make up for Alley, thanks for a wonderful job.

Myself on hair. As you can see she has plenty of it.




I was asked to do hair for local Photographer Rachel Jordan of ‘Two Little Starfish’.

She has this great Model Yasmin who is also into photography but still a student.

Anyway the brief was big and do what you like.

  Yasmin has naturally wild curly hair, so big we went.

It was great to be a part of, thanks Ladies.
